Is there a BOM plugin which works out of the box for KiCad5

I’m looking for a simple BOM-plugin, the only thing I need is a list (a plain text file is fine) of the component names, their type and values:
R7 Resistor_THT:R_AXIAL_DIN207_L6.3mm_D2.5mm_P10.16mm_Horizontal 10k
C1 Capacitor C_Rect_L7.2mm_W5.5mm_P5.00m 150nF
I have tried to install BOMS-away, kifield and InteractiveHtmlBom, none of which worked out of the box.
In fact they all need all kinds of extra’s installed and I really don’t one to mess up my clean Mint 19 install.
So here is my question: Is there a BOM plugin which works out of the box under KICad5 which produces a human readable BOM?

kind regards,

There is a FAQ article that explains it. If you want text instead of html simply choose one of the csv output ones. How to create a bill of materials (BOM)?

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I would like to hear what your issues were on Mint 19 with InteractiveHtmlBom. I’ve had reports that it works fine from command line, no extras needed.

There is a FAQ article that explains it. If you want text instead of html simply choose one of the csv output ones. How to create a bill of materials (BOM)? 12

Thanks a lot, the BOM-option under Fabrication Outputs in the File-menu of Pcbnew was exactly what I needed.

kind regards,

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