Quick question: I have started getting a little more familiar with the quirks of InkScape and have taken to using it for sprucing up some silkscreens and importing them into pcbNew via the SVG import utility.
However, I’m seeing the inside of letters being filled in, like this:
This certainly had some affect on the outcome (the lines for the SVG in kicad was thinner, but certainly not 0.001mm), but did not seem to have any impact on the filling of enclosed paths.
I was interested in Inkscape a long time ago, but I could not get over it’s interface and quirks.
Inkscape has also been handicapped by it’s early adoption of the .SVG format. I’m not sure, but from what I remember, they started with .SVG before it was much used and settled on some things that have later become non-standard.
For the last 5 to 10 years development also seems to have slowed down a lot.
Just did a check on https://inkscape.org/ and I was surprised that Version 1.0 has finally been released.
I see that you’ve made a .PNG screenshot of your .SVG file. All modern web browsers understand .SVG. What does your picture look like in a web browser? I would have more trust in that than in Inkscape.
That is a bug in svg importer, it seems it doesn’t process holes in polygons correctly. I tried to import this test image https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/images/painting/fillrule-evenodd.svg
The last one is what’s called an “Intrinsic Subtraction” (uses ClockWise outer and subtracts CounterClockWise inner shape). But, yeah, looks like a bug.
Curious: Try the attached svg… Right-Click it and Save-As