Increasing existing track width quickly?

Thank you BlackCoffee. That’s the approach I already take. I’m trying to find a way to quickly cycle through the widths without having to use any menus similar to the “w” key when placing the tracks. Trouble is, the “w” key doesn’t work after the tracks are placed.

The Edit Track & Via Properties can work on nets or layers, but not on selections. Either the feature itself is missing, or I missed it.

You missed it…

This shows changing widths - what’s not shown is the Menu Pull-down because it wasn’t in the Vid capture frame to save video size but, I did exactly what I explained above…

You can see I’m selecting by window-boxing what I want (the traces), then pulling down the Menu…
In one change, I forgot to select a different width so, it didn’t change until I re-did it.

So there’s no ambiguity… I redid the video showing Menu Pulldown and added 3mm wide tracks - thus, very easy to see…

Thank you BlackCoffee. That is similar to what I do now which is press “e” after selection and change the width in that menu. I’m just looking for a quick way to cycle forward and backward through thicknesses with no menus. That’s all.

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