Importing layout image and it's slooooooooow

I dunno… I don’t think it would be too bad. SolidWorks has a feature where you can drop an image into a sketch and it plays completely sepearte from all the dimensioned lines and all that. Of course, it can also easily skin that image onto the 3D shapes as well, but IMO this proposed feature would be much more simple than that. It can be completely separate from the Gerbers and anything vector related. Think of it more as setting a background in Windows. Some adjustments to turn it on and off, adjust the transparency, and maybe if we are getting fancy, have some color and contrast sliders.

Read my comment again. I suggested the mode of having a background image in another paragraph in the same answer. (The paragraph after your quote to be precise)

The part you quote was a specific answer to something quite different. (The proposal was to extract multiple kicad layers from one pixel image)

Got it. My mistake! And understood.

I do belive OpenGL can handle this btw.

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