Importing dxf file into KiCad new PCB

I think he’s decided to input the schematic.

Sorry, I got side tracked

Yes that is where I am headed.

I did locate the Tab “Add Bitmap Image” but still not finding a DXF import command.
When I add the bitmap image is there a way to fade the image so when I place devices and lines they stand out?

I wish to thank everyone for the excellent replies and they are most appreciated. The main thing I have gained from this is I need to spend more time on review of all the Utube training videos.Also that it may be best to hire someone to help with the development of these and more boards. :rainbow:

If all you have are Images and not a Schematic, you can load the Image and use it to Trace New Lines/Symbols/etc (and add Kicad’s parts/symbols).

If you have Gerber files, you can load them into Kicad’s GerbView then Export To PCB.

Image below shows your image loaded into Schematic and ready to Trace over existing circuit…

ADDED: Additional screenshot of:
• Two DXF’s loaded into PCB
• Your Image loaded into PCB (into User Eco Layer but, can change that) after Saving Footprint from the Image-Converter Tool
• GERBER loaded into PCB from GerbView(export to PCB)

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I am trying to understand

First… There are Two Elements: PCB and Schematic

While good engineering suggests having Both (PCB and Schematic) you can have a project containing either one or both.

There is No way to grab an existing PCB or Schematic from sources other than those Kicad currently has the ability to import/load beyond what I described. There my be some Plugins but, I don’t know about them…

That said:

There is No specific Menu Item saying ‘DXF’. To load a DXF into the PCB Editor, you simply select it and choose the Layer to Import into (and set scale, line widths…)

No DXF import into Schematic, can only import into PCB.

Perhaps, by now, you’ve realized it would have been much quicker to start a New Schematic/Project versus back-and-forth posting of trying to make a Workaround do what isn’t fully possible… with some (not much) Kicad experience, I and many others, could have done it in less than One Hour and be done with it…

ADDED: Forgot… You can use an External App to set the Image’s background to Transparency, then Load it into the Image Converter or just place the Image… Inkscape is a good open-source App (but, difficult to quickly get familiar with…

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If asking for others to do it for you, good luck.
If wanting to do it yourself with guidance and learning along the way, then do it and when stuck, ask next question about specific task. Most of us are happy to help others that ‘help’ themselves by doing it step-by-step, watching tutorial videos and reading documentation…

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Quick example of tracing…


I am willing to pay for the service.

Others have offered their service for similar request (not me…) so, perhaps by end-of-day, you’ll get some response…

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I was able to get that far but I couldn’t determine how to stop the line command at the end of a segment

Double-Click it at end of drawing the line…

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I also see that you were dealing with the same issue of the background is so heavy you can’t see where you have placed items.

some homework on your part…

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Following up… As said, Inkscape is good but, difficult to learn… There are other Apps that can change background and draw transparent to get what you want (transparent). I often use “Paintbrush” and show you this example… I did only a few areas… Just needed to set the Drawing item’s background to transparent and start clicking… Then, load the saved image into Schematic…

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I guess I drank too much BlackCoffee… did not do everything but this is good enough for tracing…

This (if you download it) should be Alpha’d for you…

This is result of loading in Kicad

Video of Alphaing it…

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I can’t thank you enough for sharing this information including the video.
My problem is seeing the placement of of the items on top of the dark lines from the background.

Is it possible to change the line weight of the devices/lines?