Import altium problems

I am importing an Altium design, and intend to import many more. I have some questions:

  1. I succesfully ran altium2kicad, but the board outline did not come in.
  2. How do I bring the created kicad pcb and sch file into a kikad project?

Thanks in advance

KiCad nightly includes an Altium importer. Please note that is an external project where we cannot really give support for, and the integrated importer can be seen as its the successor. Project import is not implemented right now though.

Thanks. I am using 5.1.7. I do not see the native import on the Kicad menu (or I would use it)

The Altium importer is only available in the development ‘nightly’ builds aka 5.99. These builds come with an obligatory warning - these are potentially unstable and not backward compatible with the current stable versions. . However, many users (incl myself) have been using these for some time and they are pretty solid. Always back up anything important.

Are they in the “Test Builds”?

When you import the pcb file from Altium, what layer is the board outline on?

So I used the latest “nightly build”. I notice I cannot import a non-kicad PCB while I am in the project. I did get a board outline.

Schematic works.

I’ve not used this personally so I can’t help you but some info available here.

I figured it out. I can directly import the schematic file while I am in a project, so that is fine.

For the PCB, I need to open pcbnew outside the project. I then import the PCB from Altium and save it as the project pcb.

Klugy, but it works.


Strange title. Why would one want to import Altium problems? :grinning:

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So perhaps it should be “Problems with Altium”? I like Altium, they just wont buy me a license here.

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