If 3D step is not available than how to define footprint height

if 3D step is not available than how to define footprint height for mechanical verification.

Hello and welcome.

I think most manufacturers’ data sheets give footprint height.

in datasheet it is available but in kicad when we are creating new footprint and it’s 3D step file is not available than how to give height to that footprint.

One way is to make a 3D model yourself and add it to the footprint.

Another way is to use a 3D model of another part that is somewhat similar to what you want, and then change the scale factors.

Sorry, I misinterpreted your original question.

I would think the footprint height (aka copper thickness) would be so small in comparison to the variation in board thickness it would normally not be included in a stackup calculation.

I think Payal_Kantariya means:

When a 3D model is not provided, can kicad automatically display a substitute for a rectangular parallelepiped model?

The user only needs to temporarily provide the package (footprint ) height.

you may be interested on this discussion:

See also https://gitlab.com/kicad/code/kicad/-/issues/3453#note_504120617.

FWIW, I’ve had some luck by simply asking the MFG for a 3D file. CAD programs have the ability to remove any internal details. I’ve received a few this way.

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