A lot of footprints in KiCad have a name for a 3D model attached even if the model itself does not exists (yet). This makes it easier to just add the model itself later when somebody creates it without having to also edit the Footprint itself.
If you look around DIgikey website for your parts, there is a checkbox for showing components with CAD drawings only. I don’t know the exact part you are using, but whenever I cannot find a 3d part, I check there first. A lot of their parts have links in the descriptions…
The non-latching versions are in the repo but not the latching ones. As @paulvdh explains, having a placeholder makes it easier to add a model later as only the 3d-model repository needs to be updated with the model and the footprint repository doesn’t need to be adjusted.
I believe that there has been discussion about making this clearer in KiCad (future) 6.