I have an audio jack connector on my schematic that’s actually a PIN header 1x3 footprint because the actual connector is on a breakout board (I had some at hand. Guess it could also have been a wire, or whatever). On the PCB editor, I had to modify the PIN header footprint to rename pads from 1 2 3 to S R T, to match the jack symbol’s pin names (selected footprint in the PCB, pressed e, clicked Edit footprint),. So far so good, but the DRC now complains that “footprint does not match copy in library”. Can I do anything to fix that?
I asked that question already, and the answer I got was to change the footprint not in the PCB but from the Schematic. I can’t find a way to do that, except by creating a new footprint library on the project. Is that the correct way?
It’s the intention of this specific DRC-check to find footprints which have differences between board-footprint and library-footprint. So the pcb-designer is able to see which footprints may have chnged/improved in the library.
create new footprint with “S, R, T” pad numbering (copy the simple pin header to one of your personal libraries, then rename the pads. It’s possible, but not necessary that the personal library is located in your project-directory.
See the FAQ section for links about personal libraries
acknowledge (“exclude”) this specific DRC-violation in the DRC-dialog
disable the “footprints have changed”-DRC-check at all (File–>Board Setup–>Design Rules–>Violation severity–>miscellaneous–>Footprint does not match copy in library)