Not true.
While drawing a PCB outline, I often snap endpoints of lines and arcs to each other. This is the normal way of drawing a PCB outline.
Snapping to track ends also works. I made extensive use of this while re-creating a PCB form a set of Gerber files. (Gerber has no footprints, so I snapped the pads of new footprints to the endpoints of the tracks back imported from the gerbers. (A bit weird, but I can’t get it to work just now. Whenever I try to snap a pad of a footprint do a track end, KiCad snaps the center of the footprint to that track end, which is not what I want. Maybe I’m forgetting some setting, maybe it’s a bug.)
Snapping is a bit complicated. In fact, I’m not entirely sure when it does or does not work. In general, stuff related to copper layers does not snap to graphical stuff, and graphical stuff does not snap to copper items. There are also layer limitations. When you’re working on the front copper layer, it does not make sense to snap to items on the back copper layer. At least, for SMT parts. The pads of THT parts are present on all copper layers, and should therefore also use the snap points for those layers. (I think this works correctly, I have not verified this just now).
You can also change the snapping behavior with PCB Editor / Preferences /Preferences / PCB Editor / Editing Options / Magnetic Points. Magnetic points for Pads / Tracks / Graphics can be set individually.
On top of that, there is also the Selection Filter in the lower right corner of the PCB Editor. If items are not active there, they are just ignored.
To make it even more complicated, when you have “dimmed the inactive layers”, then snapping to them also does not work
If it all gets too complicated.
A workaround is to do it in two steps. First snap the grid origin to a point of interest, and then move the thing you wanted to snap to the grid origin. (This works best on some coarse grid).
Whenever KiCad found a snap point, it shows a small circle around the mouse cursor.
Just found some other weird thing. While changing the grid origin, (PCB Editor / Place / Grid Origin S), it seems to snap to all kind of internal geometry of pads.
I’m afraid this may all be more confusing then clarifying, but it’s the best I can do right now.