How to operate bottom component in postive view(as we draw lines in top layer)

recnetly i am using this new EDA software,i had drawn some pcb boards,but i found quite unconveniently while placing wires in bottom component.i can just flip the component to bottom layer,but can’t got the postive view in bottom layer as we normally operates in top layer.
who can help me? i appreciate you guys can pay attention to this issue…

Related to this I think? Can the bottom layer be edited as though you are looking at it?

thanks,i took a look,it will come the next version…
and i noticed the version4.0.2 was released on 2016-02-28.
so,will the next version coming soon?exciting!

The “bottom view” feature is currently not available in the nightlies, though some code has been prepared by Tomasz Wlostowski.

It probably won’t be available in a stable release before at least a year because the development cycle has just started.

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Meanwhile you can check what it looks like by looking at the 3d view and rotate the board


unfortunately it seems it is not in high priority… hoping that a wishlist would help giving it a more attention :slight_smile:
moreover gEDA pcb has already this feature…

In ancient times (1970’s) I laid out a few boards using tape on acetate. With that technology it certainly seemed “natural” to flip the layer when working on the bottom side. Even then, I heard of guys who preferred to work on the bottom layer as if “looking through” the board from the top. It sounded like an awkward approach.

The next time I had hands-on experience with board layout was in the 1990’s, and of course it was done with computerized layout programs. The “looking through the board” approach was the norm, and at first I resisted it. But after I surrendered to the status quo and beat my old habits into submission, I concluded that “looking through the board” was actually an easier concept to work with. I had a much better mental picture of the physical proximity of top- and bottom-side tracks, especially useful when thinking about interference coupling from “noisy” nets to “sensitive” nets. I didn’t have to do the mental exercise of, “This is on the right-hand side of the screen but it’ll be on the left-hand side of the enclosure when the board is flipped over and mounted top-side up.”.

Being able to create mirrored images of a layer is certainly useful, for example when you need to generate assembly instructions or document a troubleshooting procedure, but for the actual layout process I prefer to “look through” the board.
