How to interactive align 3d model to pcbnew footprint: new tool for kicad in 'Altium' style

totally forgot… needed some PLCC-4 led housings as well:
PLCC-2.stp (205.1 KB)
PLCC-4.stp (254.0 KB)

PLCC-2_transparent.stp (1005.0 KB)
PLCC-4_transparent.stp (1.2 MB)

we might need to get this sorted via github I think…

good work!

to convert them to scaled VRML you can use the
launched by
it works with FC GUI, but you don’t have to do anything… it it possible also to quit the FC GUI at the end of conversion just adding

the MELF models don’t come as single part…

I would suggest to create the ‘band’ as a solid cylinder

That would be great… I still would prefer have both version of models for the lib


I know… it makes this possible:

Filesize for that sucker is a bit overweight though, dunno why. (302.8 KB)

may be if you give the band a little thickness it could be fused in one obj
(a pipe instead of a surface)

I can do that, sure… but then FreeCAD can’t give the glass transparency anymore as this property is adjusted for a whole part.
That’s why the transparent cylinder can’t touch/intersect anything, same for the PLCC housing clear lid.
Unless you have different knowledge - I use FreeCAD atmo only for conversions, nothing else, so wouldn’t know if you can set transparency to faces also?

Asking the other way round, where do these surfaces make trouble in your chain?
I can surely make some ‘special’ models which don’t have the transparency for the ones that got it…

@Joan_Sparky MAybe you can add multiple shapes and individual control the transparency. So instead of make a cylinder, you will make an open cyclinder and disks with transparency? …

I attached a FreeCAD MELF transparent with a pipe as marker (13.2 KB)
and the VRML model obtained executing the scaling macro (attached below)
melf-transparent.wrl (1.3 MB)
note that the STEP model
melf-transparent.step (137.5 KB)
now can be fused in a single part without problem
melf-transparent-single-part.step (272.9 KB)
and the scaling multipart to VRML Macro (881 Bytes)

for a correct MCAD exporting of board and parts, I need to have a STEP model in a single object

I opened a new topic for 3D mechanical library :wink:

we can move this conversation over there (more on topic)