How to include Distributor fields into BOM?

I added the order number (in this case farnell) to a capacitor:

This data is also in the properties of the device in the PCB-Editor.

But after exporting the BOM, using
File → Fabrication Output → Save Bill of Materials
the field “Farnell” is not included:

I usually add several distributors (Farnell, Digikey, Mouser, RS, ect…), so that my manufacturer can pic the distributor of his choice.
So I want every Field being exported into my BOM.

How do I do this?


With KiCad V7 or V8 (I don’t know) the cooperation with database was added (I also don’t know how).
As I had the need like you when KiCad was V4 I just copied my solution I was using for years with Protel.

I have described my way here (read also previous posts):

This description was for V7. With V8 it became even easier. I need not to go through file. Just at schematic Tools-Generate BOM window I can select all (by Ctrl+A) and copy it by (Ctrl+C) and then paste it in my spreadsheet.
For each element I then have as many alternative parts listed as I want.

Don’t know if it will be helpful, but may be you will be interested also in:

This is from the PCB Editor. It gives only a simple non-customized csv file which is OK for some needs. To get a customized BOM use the Schematic Editor → Tools → Generate Bill of Materials. In the Edit tab you can add fields if they aren’t there already.

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Assuming you want a BOM from the Schematic (not from PCB, that’s a different approach).There are a few BOM generators in Kicad’s Schematic.

Select one and Read what it spits out…

You can edit them if desired.

One of them has ability to add item to the string before clicking OK. Screenshot of it, below…

Adding The Field In Schematic If you didn’t put it into Symbol

Generating The BOM with Added Field

That “generator” thing is nowadays “legacy”. This is the better way:

This is the same dialog than the Symbol Fields Table. BOM can be exported with the Export button and the file format can be customized in the Export tab.

I’m legacy, too! (meaning I’m Old). In haven’t upgraded Kicad to v8 and won’t until all the bug’s are fixed (if I upgrade…).

All the bugs will never be fixed . . . just like they aren’t all fixed for V7, V6, etc.

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Thanks, that works like a charm and is the solution I was looking for!


I just did my first project with KiCad and I was not running into any bug.
It did not crash once (Altium crashes every 20 min or so).
I’m pretty impressed and will convert to KiCad as my #1 PCB tool.


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We were using Protel 3 since 1997 till 2017. It liked crashing and sometimes it was permanent crush (rerunning program or re running system didn’t helped). We had a set of files that had to be copied from backup to main directory used by Protel to make it running. Critical was that you should not close Protel until you not close all its opened widows first. During years we learn what actions are specially danger so should be avoided, but even it crashes were our everyday life.

I got 2 or 3 crushes with KiCad V8 schematic (8.0.3 or 8.0.4). One was when I selected a big part of schematic and then during drugging it I decided to zoom in a little using mouse wheel (while all the time keeping left mouse button).
But I was not able to repeat the situation to report a bug.

Glad to see you/others got my Point… Point being, no need for me to upgrade as I’m happy with v7 as-is. Been using Kicad since v4 so, I’m very well aware of the endless stream of Bug’s…

To make my files to documentation (element black rectangles with references on gray copper view) in V7 I had to use inkscape to merge few svg files exported from KiCad. In V8 I am able to get my documentation files directly from KiCad (only correcting sheet size I do using inkscape (Ctrl+A, Ctrl+Shift+R, Ctrl+S).
In V7 to make my BOM I exported BOM in csv, then opened it as text and selected everything from 4 or 5 line to then copy it and paste into my spredsheet. In V8 I don’t have to go through file. In BOM window at screen I just select everything (CTRL+A) and copy it to then paste in my spreadsheet.
These are two changes came into my mind at once. What else …


There are multiple ways of doing it - I Prefer this (Video). I did not fill-in the costs/etc so, the BOM is not complete but, you get the Idea… (my Macro in top-right being clicked…)

Of course.
I just wanted to inform you of 2 differences that makes V8 for me better than V7.

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