How to copy the parts library form PC to PC

Is there a way to copy the parts library between PC’s? I use 3 different PC’s and seem to always add parts.


Put the library somewhere that all 3 PCs can access. If that isn’t an option copy the library to the cloud and have some way of syncing the cloud copy to the local drives . . . if that isn’t possible make one a master and copy it to the other 2 PCs, ideally make it read only on these 2 PCs.

There are many ways . . .

I would use a public free VCS service like github or gitlab, and actually have done so. This requires of course having a working internet connection. There are other benefits from this – you get permanent backup on the server and version control with history. In commit messages you can document all changes. Github and gitlab also offer issue trackers which can be used for taking centralized notes and doing plans which you could forget otherwise, making ad hoc files needless.

This is more heavyweight than just a file cloud: you have to learn to commit, push and pull. It’s not too difficult, though.

See also (Start Here) Frequently Asked Questions (Section “Managing your projects” which has tips for library handling and VCS).

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This is generally how to sync files. Cloud storage, smb/nfs, unison, syncthing, git can be used alone or combined.

Problems with having the files on different machines are:
• Updating Kicad, PC software and Files (even if it’s all working, multiple steps are needed everytime)
• When something goes wrong with one, it can be a PITA to solve, especially if different/mixed platforms

My solution (for several years now) is to create a Shared Drive. I have engineering-related files, movies and music…

Two of my machines are on Wifi, Two are on USB (hard-wired).

The Drive’s are on my home Network (attached to the Router, not to a machine) - blocked to the outside world but all available to me (and guests).

Many posts on internet re setting it up… Search for “Share Hard Drive on Network” …etc

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