How to config kikit drilled only need f.mask and b.mask on mousebit?

how to config not need f.mask and b.mask on mousebit ?

I want it to be drilled only and have Solder mask.

in 3d this ok

but on gerber file not ok

Draw a rectangle on front and back masks that defines the no-mask area.

Can you please explain the steps in detail?

i try not defines the no-mask area. ?

Just make sure to tick the box Filled shape. The mask layer is a subtractive layer, which means where you define a filled area, mask will be removed.

This is the standard FAQ for tonnes of detail about this:

I want it to be drilled only and have Solder mask.

Then you don’t need to do anything to the mask layer, just use hole footprints which will have no mask where the hole is. Elsewhere there will be mask as usual.

Make sure you specify NPTH, if you don’t want pads.

On Kikit can config not use ?

I would think that this is automatically done by KiKit for mousebite holes, but you should ask on the KiKit site.

Or you could just select one of the holes and look at its layer structure.

If it looks like this in the 3D view:

And like this in a Gerber viewer:

Then I would assume that the problem lies with the generation of the Gerber, or with the interpretation of the Gerber.

Are you using Kicads Gerber viewer to check the Gerber? Do you get the same result in other Gerber viewers?

Play around with the settings for gerber generation and see if you get the same result. I.e. turn of X2 Gerber and similar stuff.

Also, which KiCad version are you using? If using an old version, have you tried a newer to see if this is a bug that has been fixed?

i use kicad 8.0.7 and use plugin gerber output

What does the Kicad Gerber viewer show please, and what plugin are you using ?

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i use

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