If you want to read the state in which the relay is located, it is better to read pin 1 (ULN1) in analog. Otherwise with your connection you need a voltage divider to have a maximum output at 3v3.
Instead if you want to activate the relay with A0 you must always connect (I8) with (ULN1) for example but attention is needed in the software so that A0 can be set HIGH or LOW but GPIO1…GPIO7 must be in HiZ .
Otherwise you could find yourself in a short circuit condition.
I can’t understand what you want to do with the further releases that drive GPIO1…GPOI8, I thought you wanted to set the relays via software by bypassing the dip-switches.
[EDIT] to have a dip-switches software you must use 74hc595 otherwise using CD74HC4067M you only have one relay active, and if you perform analog readings the relay is deactivated.
The dip switch is to select what relays should be on by what signal.
Ther is basicly meant to be 3 ways of controling a relay:
1: With external arduino or Pokeys card.
2: With the togle switch on each chanel above the relay.
3: With output from internal MCU, ItsyBitsy M0 Express
In adition to this I want any input from external or internal relay control to be able to control any relay or all relays, the same with Pot signal.
You should be abel to use 1 signal to control all relays or 1 pot to control all Mosfets.
I want dip-switch hardware controled. As much as possible with hardware control.
I say wrong in the video.
If you want to control 3 chanel with on pot and one relay input You should select the 3 first dip switches on bothe pot chanle 1 and relay chanel 1. Never use 2 of the same. I dont know how to explain this on the card.
If someone could help me with that text it would be nice.
Why are the diods on have a pink + sign on the left side of the component. I want “My” + to be in the not short circut direction, som It looks like I have placed it corect.
I know that components are placed wrong. What should I change with the origin?
I managed to fix it, by placing origin again and saving the files again:
But the price is high. I must think how I can reduce that.
Also the multiplexer chips was rotated but that was possible to change, by rotating in there editor, must check if I rotated the coract way.