How to add an anchor pad to a foorprint

Is there a difference between footpint “hole” and footprint “mountinghole” ?
If so, maybe I need a footprint “hole” but how do I make such footprint ?

The difference is between plated hole and non-plated hole.

I guess I wasn’t clear enough without spelling it out…

You want a “Mounting Hole” not a “Mounting Hole With Pad”

There are Mounting ‘Holes’ Without Pads in the library, just grab the Diameter but Without a Pad

Or, you can simply Draw a Circle in the Edge_Cuts layer (that makes a Hole on the PCB but, it is Not a Footprint. I recommend using the Footprint called

When I draw a cirkel in the Edge_Cuts there is a drill hole but no hole in the Cu gerber file.
Also the Mountinghole gives a drill hole but no hole in the Cu gerber file.

What I am trying to accomplish is to make holes in a Cu gerber file.
It works with a groundplane but as far as I know I am not able to make a groundplane from my own jpg design.

But maybe that is not possible in Kicad.

You will only see a hole on the Cu gerber file if there is copper around the hole. That’s why you see the hole on a copper zone (it doesn’t matter if it is GND or any other signal) and you don’t see the hole where there is no copper.

I understand your goal and, I think you’re doing something incorrectly… It all works for me, including homemade ground-plane

And, don’t consider the Gerber as the proof of your work - understand what Gerbers are and how they relate to the PCB/Cu/Cuts/etc
(basically as @pedro indicated)

Below shows:
• Gerbers in system file browser
• Gerber of F-Cu
• Results in 3D-View

Hi QuadESL-lover,

Follow the below steps to create a custom pad shape while creating a footprint:

  1. Create a polygon by referring to the coordinates given in the datasheet. Keep this in F.Cu.

  2. Now, add a small anchor pad to it (most of the time, custom pads are SMD only).

  3. This anchor pad will act as a reference point for the polygon created in step 1. The size and shape of the anchor pad do not matter because it will eventually be hidden below that custom pad. Place this pad at the center or at the origin, accordingly (origin is crucial while creating a footprint).

    This is how the polygon will be converted into a custom pad. Note that your grid should be properly maintained (you have to do that manually).

Second way: using custom shape primitives

  1. Go to custom shape >> Add primitive.
  2. Add coordinates. In this case, you do not need to set the grid. It will adjust automatically based on the values entered.

Thanks Amit for your explenation.
I make a new start and following your instructions.
For now it is working well.

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