How do I connect local labels to global labels

I thought I have written clear enough.
To let you see how I find reading your post I have just run ERC for the first time (I don’t use it) and here is my question to you (or to everyone):
Would you be so kind and clear for me what my errors mean:

I think such question simply has no sense. The much better is if I ask showing my screen that I get few seconds later:

To everyone reading this post. It was only example - I don’t care what these errors mean.

Why does Kicad even have language settings at all? (I wonder this for many software packages)

I don’t know how it is done but I can imagine that it is either time consuming or costly for the developers to handle translations for 24 languages. As I see it there are 23 wrong options to pick which all deny you from getting help on this forum.

Would it not be better to dictate the usage of English? Almost every programming language has words like IF, ELSE, WHILE etc. So why not let PCB programs follow this style

If I come across code which contains something else than English being in variable names or comments, I swear out loud.

Translations are a very low effort thing for the developers. Translations are handled outside of the sourcecode tree. I never looked into the nitty gritty details, but from what I Understand, they just write the source code as normal and put English strings everywhere (menu names, tooltips, error messages, etc). Then there is a software package (PO?) that extracts those strings and collects them, and anyone interested in translations can use Weblate to contribute some effort Translation | Developer Documentation | KiCad The effort for the developers is mainly to add a menu to set the languages and some small maintenance and tweaks. Best I know, the translation software also modifies the source code to exchange hard coded text strings with a table of pointers for each language.

And as a result, nearly all effort for the translations are done by people interested in translations. And because there are so many translations, proves there is apparently (enough) interest in translations to make them.

Make a list of all KiCad menu positions, all context menu positions, all option names in dialog boxes, all help texts explaining icon functions and then compare it with as big list as you can find of reserved words of any programming language.
Then compare work needed to learn one and second list for someone don’t knowing English.
I have even better idea. Switch the language to any one you don’t know and design something with KiCad.

Despite all the progress that has been made in the last 30 years, many foreing people still speak in foreing languages.

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Actually over 99.9% of the world’s population doesn’t speak other than foreign languages.

Hello everybody,
I suppose I’ve found the reason for Marcos problems. I’ve just made small changes to his Flat-Design Test. Now I’m getting no errors.
Please don’t put the net labels at the end of a wire. Then I will not be connected. Moving the net labels a bit inside will ensure that they are connected! This is an experience I had years ago with other programs (e.g. Protel / Altium).
One second point: I recommend flat design if you have only few pages i.e. 2, 3 or 4. If you have more pages use hierarchical designs. If you whant to keep it flat, please put more on the pages.
I hope I could help you!
Best regards

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Hello Paul,
I finally had time to test the fix with KiCad7.10 and it works.
Thanks to everyone that helped to fix that issue.

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