High pincount schematic symbols

Many thanks, I’ll give it a try.

I have been fighting with multi part symbols.

i afetr some time managed to get outlines to be diffrent byt for the ref des text it always ends up same place in all symbols,

albeit the tutorials bring forward the 7400 example for multi symbols its for a professional designer not very interesting…
multi symbols are crucial for bigger chips and you should preferably be able to name the something clever and not a,b,c,d rather _power _input etc something to reflect the parts functionality.

kicad need IMHO a part concept where you can tie togheter arbitraryt symbols wit any footprint and make a part.
this is where you check that all pins are used and not over-used.

today you can go into layout and need to manually check that all symbols been correctly mapped.
huge source for hunan.errors.

Yes, that’s how it is at the moment: there are no separate placeholders for fields in different symbol units.
But you can move them in Eeschema once you’ve instantiated your symbols in the schematic.

@cioma… would you know if the devs working on eeschema have something like this in mind/as a goal?
As otherwise @nicholas needs to articulate this on the bugtracker…

It is mentioned in the road map http://ci.kicad.org/job/kicad-doxygen/ws/Documentation/doxygen/html/v5_road_map.html#v5_lib_editor_usability but there is quite a lot of stuff on that list.

I had one go at a multipart symbol and got quite lost :anguished: … so now I have some very big symbols and have to use bigger paper!

Well, I’m not related to KiCad development at all but as I understand Wayne is working on Eeschema refactoring and then the new schematic and symbol format development will follow. I assume developers are aware of these kind of features but it’s always a good idea to create a wishlist bug (if there is no existing one).

Hi i don’t know nothing about kipart how run it on windows xp. I found two video tutorials on youtube
. But kipart is not recognized as internal or external command.
I downloaded zip file extracted in c>kicad >tools>kipart here i used kipart script from csv to lib.


Kipart is a Python program. You need Python installed to run it. Once Python is installed, you can install kipart using “pip install kipart”. There’s more documentation here.

I installed python25 and also tried 34 but,popup message is pip is not recognized int…or external command. …

I am working on windows xp service pack 3

pip comes with python 2.7.9+ … last is 2.7.11.
deinstall the 2.5 and install 2.7.11

installing pip afterwards is cruelsome :slight_smile:

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Thanks i trying if going…

Thanks i will try if i can solve