HEADS UP - Microsoft will own github ?!

The projects on github should all have a license set. (This is the responsibility of the project owner(s))
Owning the platform does not change anything legally about that.

And if MS does anything that damages the only people who pay for github, they will loose these users very fast.

When I adopted GH it was due to the fact that they were massively bigger than the rest of the alternatives. I now know about gitlab and I am considering switching to it. Not only because I think GH is now less independent than it was but because Gitlab seems to better suit my needs.

Is there any other people here considering switching some of their work to Gitlab?

I was in the exact same position. I gave Github a pass because it was doing a lot of good for the FOSS world. Recently I have switched all my repos to Gitlab and I may delete my Github account soon

I deal with MS since when they even exists as MS.
Previous to DOS indeed…
I have used DOS 1.x 2.x 3.x then Win1.x Win2.x Win.3x…

'Till i got enough of their crap and ditched them out for good.

One thing I can tell for sure - if one is to summary MS it boils down
to just one word:


All along this 30/40y they have managed to crap EVERY SINGLE
standard and platform they ever touched

From BASIC to FORTRAN twisting HTML into proprietary tags
and C (ouch C) into some C crappy proprietary closed thing
on NET base and killing ALL POSIX standards to their own

They just crapped ALL potentially competitors like
Borland, WATCOM, Corel (in various rounds), IBM OS/2
and SCO (XENIX) and literally hundreds of others

They manage to acquire others property - turn that into
MS IP PROPERTY and extinguish whatever don’t fit or suit
their interest

it can be summarized into ONE WORD: PROPERTY

  • And that they now have over ALL ASSET BASE on github

Gitlab has experienced an unprecedented surge of data traffic

it makes a hell of a sense

And your panic-stricken, misguided, anti MS diatribe has grown rather old. You have your opinion and we’re all aware of it, there really is no need to remind us daily.:smirk:


Maybe a moderator could close this thread. There’s so much non-fact here and the facts have little to do with KiCad. The discussion will go in repetitive circles soon.


No flames no rant no panic.
I deal with them even today - now

Please if you do think confident enough to do nothing
about and wait to see this film again…

just delete the thread. We wait and see

If anyone has anything that is directly relevant to KiCAD vs Github, please create a new one and refer to this thread.

Keep the panic down please.
If you have advice for how and where KiCAD should be hosted, the developers reside over @ launchpad.
Anything else is out of our hands and to top it off, this is just a public support forum by volunteers.

@ all
Thanks for keeping it civil. Good job guys! Proud of you.