Github import. kicad 5.1

i’ve been trying to download libraries from

But all i get is .mod files (not .lib) so i cant open them in ‘manage libraries’. What am i doing wrong?

i have 5.1 and it only accepts .lib files and i cant change the filter to any file extension


I think you are mistaking PCB footprints with Schematic symbols. What is at that github repository are footprints which are .kicad_mod files. These are the correct files for the PCB footprints, and each footprint library is a .pretty folder containing .kicad_mod files. The schematic symbols are a separate library format consisting of .lib files in addition to .dcm files for each library. (The reason why there is such a big difference between the way symbol and footprint libraries are organized is KiCad is changing to a new format. The footprint libraries were done first, and issues hammered out there. The symbols will be changed next.)

For more details, please see the following FAQ entry:

Makes sense. Thanks.
So where do i find associated schematic symbols (.lib). Are they on github?

appreciate the help

Try here:

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