Full of sheet on making my own schematic sheet

Current capacity is easy. Future capacity is more challenging.

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Since 2 weeks I am editing perfectly working piece of (as for me complicated) C++ code that I have written 10 years ago. Reading each comment I wonder what kind of idiot wrote that that he thought it was clear what he wrote.

I would probably also not notice its existence (I use only first 4 KiCad applications and donā€™t know the rest) if not my unusual approach to new software. Before even downloading KiCad I collected all documentation pdfs and read them all. My mistake was that I assumed they were up to date why they really were about KiCad 3 when current version was 4.0.6 and when I decided to download it was 4.0.7.
But after reading those pdfs I knew about drawing sheet editor (separate pdf) and knew that it is better to not install KiCad in default directory because Windows blocks access to it while those time some user configuration (in form of default project) was there.

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I must admit that I donā€™t notice these things either. Usually when you need something and start searching you will start seeing that something after Google points you at it. Hidden in plain sight

When I was new with kicad I quickly ā€˜foundā€™ the buttons for schematic editor and pcb editor, and not long after I also ā€˜foundā€™ symbol and footprint editors.

That there were calculator tools, sheet editors, plugin managers and image converters. I didnā€™t notice really. Could not care less at the time. The gerber viewer I did notice.

Iā€™ll go click on ā€˜Drawing sheet editorā€™ and ā€˜calculator toolsā€™ now. I cannot recall having done that before :smiley:

I knew of the Drawing Sheet Editor . . . but it was always a job for tomorrow, well your thread has inspired to make today tomorrow :wink:

I have a question for those who know more about this Editor than I do . . .

I want to add a field for the name/initials of the person that has made the schematic, Iā€™m guessing I canā€™t simply add a new field ? assuming I canā€™t is there a nice way of adding some text to the template that can then be edited on the schematic while its being drawn ? so a user would replace the text with his/her initials ? this would keep the txt in the correct position and correct size.

I was doing it 6 years ago so donā€™t remember, but as in File-Page Settings there are Comment1ā€¦Comment9 and In my Sheet Comment1 and Comment2 are used (I probably copied it simply from default sheet) so nothing should be against using rest of them.

Looking into my kicad_wks file I donā€™t see how it is linked to those texts.
I see %C1 in file but donā€™t see %C2 but I certainly have Comment1 and Comment2 copied to my sheet.

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Yup, just saw the available fields and have decided to use $[COMMENT9} for now . . .

Thank you.

with a liberal use of test variables you can do some pretty stuff:

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