Footprint missing hole 6? - TC4429

I recently created a board using the TC4429 symbol and its associated default footprint. I started assembling this board and noticed it is missing the hole for pin 6. Looking closer at the footprint in Kicad, I can see it says “missing pin 6” in the description.

Can anyone explain what I’m seeing here? Is this an error in the footprint or if there is a reason why pin 6 is omitted for this chip? The TC4429 that I have does indeed have 8 legs. Footprint is “Package_DIP:DIP-8-N6_W7.62mm”


Some of those IC’s do indeed have a missing pin, and this is on purpose. For example the “TNY” series of SMPS IC’s have a high voltage (300V+ ) input , and therefore pin 6 is removed to increase the clearance.

The “N6” in your footprint name means that there is No pin 6.
You should have used the footprint without that part. :wink:

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N6 means No Pin6
N7 means No Pin7

You want DIP-8_W7.62mm

I see we answered at same time…

Screen Shot 2023-09-30 at 08.36.55

Ah, looks like this will be a practice batch. Thank you

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I am also wondering why you did not catch this before sending out gerbers. Do you use ERC and DRC? Especially if you used that pin 6 in your design, it must have complained about it. And the missing pin should have been pretty obvious during routing of the PCB too.

In addition, it’s useful to set up a checklist of things to check before sending out gerbers for manufacturing.

It’s always good practice to check the footprint against the devices datasheet.

Kind of a standard practice here is to maintain a personal library of all parts you use AND VERIFY. That way in the future you don’t have to go through the verification step again.

On small projects it isn’t a bad idea to acquire the parts and check them against the design. If you are shopping for generic replacements this is kind of a ‘must’ if you don’t have the datasheets. Sometimes the supplier might be selling a generic without a proper link to the correct data sheet.

This is especially important for USB sockets and D-type connectors which seem to have a huge range of variation

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