First day KiCAD MacOS Catalina - jumpy scroll and pan

I’m moving from Eagle to KiCAD because I want to create 4 layer boards and can’t afford $60 per month for Fusion. Overall I’m impressed and I think KiCAD will serve me well. And it seems to be constantly improving. I do have a couple issues, I’ll put the first one in this thread.

With a three button mouse, the middle wheel scroll wheel to zoom function and middle button drag both behave erratically, sometimes working perfectly and sometime causing the schematic or layout to jump around unpredictably.

Is this a known issue? Could it be limited to MacOS or to a particular render engine?

Thanks for any help!

The “jumpy” pan might be the warp on zoom feature. KiCad centers the view when zooming (by default, can be turned of in the settings). It is a strange feature that takes a bit to get used to but it is quite useful once one is used to it.

Might also be a good read I come from Eagle. What should i know about KiCad?

That could easily be it. Thanks! I did read that FAQ, I don’t remember seeing anything about this in there. But maybe I missed it.

Regarding this post and another of yours:

It can be confusing - the settings panels are specific to the General Pref’s and, PCBnew and Eeschema, which are accessed from them.
There are settings and Pref’s to consider…etc.
Thus, Explore ALL Menu Items when each Tool is open.

Two Images below show General Pref’s and PCBnew settings on my Mac/OSX

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