Feature Request: Project Sharing Category

I would like to request that a Project Sharing Category be added to KiCad Info.

Members would be able to share uploads and downloads of partially finished or completed
Schematic and Printed Circuit Board Files of the KiCad Format.

Being able to examine others projects is a WYSIWYG method of finding solutions.
Especially if it is a completed and error free design.
The majority of my threads offer exactly that.

:“A picture paints a thousand words’”
:‘An error free KiCad Schematic or Printed Circuit Board answers a thousand questions.’

Here goes the GRANDSTAND!

As an example my Audio Mixer thread (under category Projects)
has a download of the entire project
with some helpful information on electronics theory
and pictures of the schematic, printed circuit board,
ngspice simuatlion, and even the actual manufactured
(printed circuit board by JLPCB)
and completely assembled (manually) and working
real world physical Audio Mixer.

The entire project is indispensable for KiCad Learnng.

Creating a Circuit Board with
Custom Designed Symbols
and accurate working SPICE Models
for ngspice simulation

Automatic KiCad Programs Schematic to PCB Linking to →

Custom Designed Printed Circuit Board with
Custom Footprints & Matching Custom Designed 3D .WRL & .STP Models.

Gerber Files for Printed Circuit Board Manufacture

***Reverse Engineering (‘Bending’) of this Project allows anyone to gain knowledge of KiCad
that can be applied to ALL Electronics.
@invntefx permission hereby granted.
***(Permission to Reverse Engineer Subject to KiCad Rules, Regulations and Guidelines.)

I don’t know if a forum like this is the right place for project sharing. It would not be very hard to make such a category, or an faq article. Entry for https://www.kicad.org/made-with-kicad/ is a bit high, and I consider that a good thing. It’s a nice place for “flagship” projects. For “generic” projects there is: KiCad Project Explorer It currently (2024-07-16) finds 29417 KiCad related Repositories (Can be projects, plugins, libraries etc), and it has a search system. There are also other sites which have many KiCad projects (although not KiCad only)

Elektor - Learn, Design & Share electronics | Elektor Magazine

Several PCB manufacturers also collect projects,

And of course also other EDA suites.

And someone is also working on a (sort of) equivalent for this for KiCad:

And there are more similar sources. These are just the ones I could remember in a few minutes. Sometimes I wonder whether making a list of (KiCad) project sources is useful. Limiting it to KiCad only is not a good Idea. Projects are quite easily convertible into KiCad, and I would expect that over time importers for more different EDA suites will be added to KiCad.

I checked some of the suggested @paulvdb links (impressive!)
and what I am proposing is an category or even a
new branch php style forum addition exclusively
for KiCad Members and only KiCad Software format
designed projects. Below Made with KICad and just above Generic,
The Goldilocks Level … “Phone Home E.T,” :vulcan_salute:

It would expedite the access and utilization so collaborative
communication, comprehension and confirmation would be at a
transfer speed capable of multitask context memory retention.
(At least IMO since My Scholastic Test I.Q. is 164.)

There are a few forums for similar types of CAD software interaction
that I am involved with constantly and it is so incredibly effective.

All in All it depends on how many moderators are willing to accept the added workload. :pinching_hand:

Speaking for myself? ZERO. :wink:

It really is about focus, which is hard enough. Just because Kicad is used in a project is hardly enough ‘glue’.

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I fully agree with your concerns and your ideas are great but I think this forum is best suited for linking to other resources and not as a definitive source for authored data. There are just too many problems which result from zipping up archived projects and handing them to someone else.

I am currently trying to solve those problems through one of the projects linked above (Ki365). I am the maintainer and I will say that the project’s goal is to accomplish exactly what is listed above-increase collaboration for engineering projects.

Ki365 is not there yet, but the idea is to store tagged releases in a repository and be able to share progress including source data (zips, schematics) and generated data (gerbers, screenshots, manuals) in an easy to manage project based interface. This would likely also be facilitated by the integration of next-gen Web3 technologies-like the AT protocol-to offer a “social platform” for engineering content like mentioned above.

Once we hit v0.0.1, Ki365 will be able to connect to a KiCad repository (internal or external like GitHub), generate supporting content for visualization and output critical data for project members. I expect this version should be releasing in the next week or so.

I would love to see links to projects in this forum though and maybe even Ki365 links in the future!

It’s work enough to keep out the bad actors (spammers) on this forum. There will be no enthusiasm for screening out bad uploads, and the additional traffic that comes from hosting.

Just use any of the existing collaboration sites like git{hub,lab}. They are set up for tagging as KiCad, issue tracking, discussion, patching, cloning, releases, etc. then link here.

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O.K. I have my own SSL pro registered domain website. Everything I have I FTP and link from there anyway.
It wasn’t a request for me I just like to help others.
Since I am retired and don’t want to get bored.

I am fully aware of the requirement for upload submission scanning
and examination prior to acceptance and the time and effort consumed to do so.
Alms and Sheaves are good but I don;t have a Master’s Fish Basket.
Dodo Bird Out
Delete ThisThread At Will.

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