Failed: GET command from GitHub KiCad libraries

Hi I get this error message when I try to download the KiCad libraries on

https GET command failed
Cannot get/download data from: ‘
Reason: ‘unknown state’

How do I resolve this?

What is the exact way you use to download libs? (Explain your steps that lead to that error message)

Are you trying to use the old github plugin? We do no longer support that for the official library. See I had KiCad 4 installed previosly. Now i updated to v5. Now i have some problems with the library setup

This might also help: Library management in KiCad version 5

I was in my eeschema file and clicked on the “Run CvPcb to associate components and footprints” icon. Then I went to Preferences >> Footprint Libraries. In the pop-up window under the default “Global Libraries”, I clicked “Append with Wizard”. That leads to another pop-up window where I chose “Github repository” with the default URL. Clicking “next” led me to that GET error.

This button should not exist in version 5. Could you follow my request and finally add your version info?

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