Exposed PCB Edge

What’s the correct way to create such a PCB edge for a multi layer PCB?

I think I know how to do it, because the screenshot is from one of my PCBs, but I’m a bit confused about all the errors KiCAD is throwing.

Here’s how I did it:

  • exported the edge cut as a pdf, edited it in a vector editor so that the outline looks like it does in the picture
  • imported this svg in the footprint editor and added drill holes
  • placed it on the PCB

However, this now creates two types of errors: violation of the holes in the polygon and clearance to the edgecuts.

(I would like to add an image here of my PCB in the editor with the errors, but this forum doesn’t allow more than one image)

So my question is: how would I go about to do this the right way? Thanks!


I have not done this, but I would try:

  • no polygone, instead use a copper zone
  • all vias and the zone should get the same netname
  • edge-clearance set to zero (so that the zone fills completely until the board-edge)

can I convert a polygone to a zone? because in KiCAD I can’t draw such shapes so I have to import it as an svg

can I convert a polygone to a zone?

First set active layer to top copper.
than select zone -->RMB-click–>context-menu–>create from selection–>create zone from selection.

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Ok, I solved it in a different way. For anyone having the same problem in the future, I had to convert the polygon to a pad in the footprint editor. I did this by placing a new pad on it and pressing Crtl+E twice:


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