Exisiting Schematic component not being found in Library error

Hi, can anyone decipher this error:

The schematic was created with the Stable release and I am trying to update it with a recent build. Most of the components load ok, apart from mainly the capacitors. As far as I can tell the library paths are correct. I don’t understand the message as it has obviously found the part in two libraries. The only way I can make it work is to individually from Edit->Properties->Select and navigate to the part in the library. I don’t want to do this for the dozens of components that are not being picked up.
I have tried re-ordering the libraries in the Preferences list.

That’s a strange name for a schematic symbol for a capacitor. Looks like you put a part number instead of the name of the component. In case that you did name a component like that, you would need to go to your component libraries in eeschema and add there your Microsaic_CAPACITORS library to the search path and to the library list.

I have not yet used Kicad, but is there any possibility there is a case sensitivity problem here? 100n vs 100N?


Schematic symbols have the part number included for BOM generation.

Thanks but the search paths are there, hence the suggestions in the error.

Thanks, I should have spotted that.

Seems there is a library bug: the library doesn’t seem to allow multiple components with the only difference being letter case, but at the same time doesn’t recognise case differences as being the same component.

Well, it’s not quite a bug, though terribly unfriendly. The libraries, as far as I can tell, are now completely case-sensitive; I was just able to create a new component that is just a lowercase version of another.

Perhaps a modification of my library rescue tool that picks these up is in order. I’ll look into that today.