Just started using Kicad 8 (8.0.0) after having used previous versions for a while. Need to import my PCB into Freecad (0.21.1), bus suddenly get errors. Boards versions that I made in the past (say, a year ago or so) do load. The StepUp workbench is the latest version (11.5?)
Well in that case don’t say we didn’t warn you if you hit a bug that was fixed later. The first release of a new version is often problematic, which is why some like me are waiting for 9.0.1 or .2.
Also wasn’t Freecad 1.0 released recently after decades of 0.something?
Just tried Kicad 9.0.0 and get the same errors…
This version of Freecad now only USED to work with my pcbs, but also STILL works with my 1-2 years older files.
would you please post your kicad SteUp version? Is that the latest?
Would it be possible to have the pcb file which is failing? Or a stripped version which is still failing? Eventually if you prefer you can send it to me in PM
Maurice (author of kicad StepUp wb)
Thanks! I was waiting for you to see my topic, because there was the same error in another topic on this forum, but it never got solved, unfortunately.
Sorry, but i can’t figure out how to PM my pcb file.
As for StepUp it is the latest version: 11.5.6. Also, as I mentioned, it opens well my last year design files.