Yes, but unlike Kicad, you couldn’t see the pellets and the circuit was 1.5cms.
If I can get two sides right, I can go old-fashioned with a typeface.
Good point. At the end of the Gerber spec there is a section on 274D. It explains why it is revoked. One of the main issues is that there is no standard for the extra DCODES files. This makes 274D indeed rather useless. To quote from the spec:
Always use Extended Gerber (RS-274X). Never use Standard Gerber.
Warning: The responsibility of errors or misunderstandings about the wheel file when processing a Standard Gerber file rests solely with the party that decided to use revoked Standard Gerber, with its informal and non-standardized wheel file, rather than Extended Gerber, which is unequivocally and formally standardized.
A small victory
I modified the aperture file, especially in inch size.
And now it’s finally working.
Attention, it’s with Viewplot . I can print le PCB with this (free version), but no possible to create new file and save.
For me, the main thing is to be able to print the typeface
Remains some points to see and rectanble of CI
René was right, the “mass” was not full.
Look now the capture. It’s good.
Don’t bother trying to open with Kicad anymore.
For me, the problem is solved. Have a good day.
here new aperture file:
#Gerbview Aperture Table
#Versjon 8.0
#Units:0.0001 inch
#D-Code Type Size X Size Y Hole size
D010 Round 70
D011 Round 80
D012 Round 160
D013 Round 10
D014 Round 12
D015 Round 50
D016 Round 45
D017 Round 55
D018 Round 60
D019 Round 65
D020 Round 24
D021 Round 00
D022 Round 00
If you got new gerbers out of the process then maybe zip them, put them somewhere in the cloud and link to the new gerbers both here and as a comment over where you got the project from. That way others do not need to go through the same pain as you did.
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