Error bom liste code retour 1

I have probleme to generat a bom liste.
Please help.
I post a error message.

Lancer commande:
python “C:/Program Files/KiCad/bin/scripting/plugins/” “C:/Users/Utillisateur/Desktop/proto/proto/sauvegarde kicad/BOITIER ADDITIONNEL E85/E85 V 2.0 6 cylindres/E85V20181008_3.xml” “C:/Users/Utillisateur/Desktop/proto/proto/sauvegarde kicad/BOITIER ADDITIONNEL E85/E85 V 2.0 6 cylindres/E85V20181008_3.0”

Erreur de commande. Code de retour 1

Messages d’erreur:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:/Program Files/KiCad/bin/scripting/plugins/”, line 67, in
components = net.getInterestingComponents()
File “C:/Program Files/KiCad/bin/scripting/plugins/”, line 624, in getInterestingComponents
ret.sort(key=lambda g: f(g.getRef()))
File “C:/Program Files/KiCad/bin/scripting/plugins/”, line 624, in
ret.sort(key=lambda g: f(g.getRef()))
File “C:/Program Files/KiCad/bin/scripting/plugins/”, line 623, in f
return re.sub(r’([A-z]+)[0-9]+’, r’\1’, v) + ‘%08i’ % int(re.sub(r’[A-z]+([0-9]+)’, r’\1’, v))
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ‘1.4’

What version of KiCad are you using?

Please see

References must be of the form “R14” and cannot be “R1.4” for the python BOM generator

Also note that for windows, the path should be back slashes until the last one, which should be forward

C:\Program Files\KiCad\bin\scripting\plugins/

I Use version 4.0.7 kicad. I run with windows 7.
With other projet bom list run maybe only with this big projet bom liste error.

This is because the BOM creator you used does not support a “.” in the references. You have at least one reference that contains a “.”.

So either give this symbol a different reference (Might be unfeasible) or use a different BOM creation script.

Have a look at the forum FAQ for details of how the BOM stuff works. How to create a bill of materials (BOM)?

At the end there is a list of possible third party BOM tools.
I tested KIBom by @SchrodingersGat and it works with such references.

Hello, Thnks very well.
A probleme is a dot “.” in annotation

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