Apologies if I have this in the wrong topic area.
I’m trying to set us up at my company to use KiCAD for our PCB design. We have an ERP system in place to give internal part numbers to all of our components. Up until now we haven’t included PCB components in this system, but I am working on setting that up as well. The point is to have our BOMs specify ERP part numbers. In the ERP system, for each part, we can list multiple alternate parts.
From a component library standpoint, each ERP part number is like a tag applied to a specific library component. However, multiple components might get the same ERP-number tag, an individual components could get multiple ERP-number tags.
I think this might be doable with derived components by using our ERP-number as the base part and then making the actual manufacturer part numbers the derived parts. However, in the case where a specific manufactured part might have more than one ERP-number (each ERP-number being a different use case), I would have to duplicate that manufacturer part number derived from different ERP-numbered base parts. That seems like a pain.