but only GREEN_LED_PWM has no error…
I use global label, so I think there is no issues on connection.
I don’t know what is different and how I can solve it
If you have similar experience, please give me advice
Often the complete wording of the ERC error is important. If you generate an ERC file report (see screenshot, below), you can cut and paste from the text file output to the forum. Yes the file will have the extension “.erc”, but it is just a text file and should open up in any text editor.
Also, the ERC marker might not be exactly where the error is, but it will be on the same net as the error. Using the Highlight net feature might help find the actual location of the error.
If you correctly copied the error text then this means that the pin in question is defined as power input. (Why would you do that for the base contact of a bipolar transistor. You might want to look at Electrical type of schematic symbol pins (KiCad 4 and KiCad 5))
And generally: Why would you use a bipolar transistor in a switching application? I would have expected a power mosfet or an IGPT. (Or is your symbol simply wrong?)
If the switched current is up to 100 mA or so, BJT’s in the 390x class (or BC84x/BC85x class) are incredibly cheap, may already be used elsewhere on the assembly, and have multiple sources of supply.
There is some reason that I use BJT instead of MOSFET.
the main reason is that I have BJT component in my lab. but this is not meaning that I have to use BJT, just because I have it
and I read your link and change base from input to output
then error is gone