ERC error_in schematic

hai, am facing this DRC to solve this

If in the schematic, it’s ERC, not DRC. I’ve edited your title.

I’ll let somebody else deal with your question. It’s best if you post the software version and an archive of the project to minimise guessing.

At first read:

looking for PWR_FLAG

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in this component am facing DRC to clear

To fix it:

And some *&^%$#@! to get past this sillly 20 character thing.

Few hours before this your question I was just writing about that error not exactly is in the component arrow points.

Don’t you read other threads?

And once more: DRC can’t point you at schematic as it is PCB rule checker.

You need to go to the part selector (add a symbol) and select a PWR_FLAG it is a symbol that is required on all schematics because it tells Kicad where the power points are, you also need to place one on your GND as well. You should read the documentation you have been advised of then things will fall into place.

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