is there a setting to avoid filled zones creating connections below a minimum width?
The picture illustrates such a situation, which usually happens between vias. IMHO, KiCad shouldn’t try to create a bridge in-between if it conflicts with the allowed minimum copper width. So far, I haven’t found a parameter that reliably enforces this.
Both minimum copper and gap width are 125 microns in my setup. Placing vias without any attention to the resulting filled GND zone, I end up with hundreds of DRC violations, typically just slightly below the limit e.g. 120 microns.
My PCB house will waive those for non-functional connectivity, but maybe I can avoid them in the first place?
PS: Thanks a lot for an awesome program. With multichannel in version 9 you’ve read my mind (tagged zones to define the replicated area instead of bounding-box defining dummy resistors I’ve used in the past with the plugin which is also awesome )
There is no setting, this happens as a side effect of the zone filling algorithm.
You can reduce the number of these situations (zone filling violates minimum connection width) if you increase the minimum width value of the zone (in the zone properties dialog).
Thanks. Increasing a zone’s minimum width slightly was actually quite effective to reduce the number (125 µm = minimum copper width up to 130 µm improved from 110 warnings down to 20).
I understand this is not a perfect solution. Attached an example where it introduced a new violation.
But I’ll accept the violations if it results in better connectivity across the plane (GND / shielding).