I just started using both Linux Mint Mate and Kicad (4.0.5)… My problem is when I use the sch the parts list is small and doesn’t have common parts like resistor,capacitors,and such … What I am doing wrong ???
I installed these using Software manager and ppa:js-reynaud/kicad-4 as mentioned on the website…
Kicad 4.0.5
Kicad dbg
Kicad dc es
Kicad library
KiCAD’s approach to the library problem is tedious, complicated, and intimidating. Decide that you’re going to learn it, because you can’t avoid it. Take a deep breath, relax, and enjoy it.
Would it be worth creating a new category in the forum for “library issues”? Also,does the forum support sticky items - if so, that might be useful as a point of reference for new users? Understanding the Library structure when you start is quite confusing and with a number of ex Eagle users coming over, it is likely to be a recurring theme.
I tried a couple different things and nothing seemed to work…I will work on it later when I have the time and will let you the out come.
Problems like these are extremely fustrating for me… Plus I am learning linux mate while learing Kicad…
Understanding the Library structure when you start is quite confusing
I agree with this point. Moreover, Eeschema library manager works differently than Pcbnew library manager, and will be this way until the new upcoming Eeschema format will be released.
But most of the questions about how to handle Eeschema libraries are solved in Eeschema Manual Chapters 11 and 12.
Main hints:
A component cannot be used standalone: it must belong to a library.
Installing a library (or all the libraries) is not enough: the library must be loaded into the project
Some libraries are loaded into a new project by default, some not
The same component can belong to different libraries
Different components can have the same name (the value field) in different libraries: eeschema chooses the first instance of that name found in any library of the project. This is ERROR PRONE and all of us have suffered it.
The same component can have different names (alias).
In pcbnew a library is a folder. In eeschema a library is a file.
There are some ways to assign a footprint to a component. By default footprint field is empty.
For new users: welcome to Kicad community! Open your mind to new ways to do the same things you are used to, don’t try to force Kicad to do things the other way. And read the manual from time to time
The libraries which are loaded by default are the once added to the template project.
In linux this can be found under /usr/share/kicad/template/kicad.pro
I’m not sure where they can be found under windows. (Can’t check at the moment. Don’t have a windows pc at home.)