Easily find added symbols/footprints


Is there an easy way to find symbols/footprints which I added manually since KiCad 7.0 install?
I’d like export these added stuff before upgrading to 7.05 so I can easily Import them later.
Unfortunately I didn’t think forward when I added them and I didn’t create my own library.

Thanks in advance.

  1. Never modify the Kicad supplied library files what are typical in /usr/share/kicad/…
  2. Create own library partition e.g. mylib.kicad_sym in a path where you make frequently backups.
  3. Put your library into Preferences->ManageSymbolLibraries
  4. Select the context menue of mylib in the selection tree
  5. Select “pin library” and your entries always appear on top of the selection tree

Sorry for not having a good solution for the upgrade process if symbols are mixed insice default kicad libs. If you already used your own symbols in a few schematics, maybe this schematics are a good point to start with the export into a new mylib file partition as all or most of your symbols appear there on one page ?

Hello and welcome @amazed

To where were they added?
You cannot add footprints and symbols to the Kicad libraries.

Thanks for the tips, I will definately follow them further on.

@jmk I’m not that familiar with the libraries and their structure, but I remember adding TPS7B LDO.
(by adding I mean copied and modified an existed symbol)


It seems like I manage to add to a builtin Regulator_Linear library?

I suppose the only real way to check is to right click any suspected symbols/footprints, select Properties and see whether that item came from a Kicad library.
The library link is in the bottom left corner of the properties box for either symbols or footprints.

If the item is not from a Kicad library, it is best to place it in a Personal Library for future use.

If you created this library, it will remain after your upgrade to 7.0.5. Kicad will only update its own libraries.

Stay watching, I have more to comment on

The FAQs at the top of ths page have a comprehensive guide to creating personal libraries.
This is the link: https://forum.kicad.info/t/kicad-7-beginners-guide-to-personal-symbol-and-footprint-libraries/38738/1

Once you have created some libraries, move your symbols and footprints into these personal libraries.

The easiest way to move your symbols/footprints into your new personal libraries is to:

  • Hot key “E” or double left click or right click > properties to bring up the properties of the item.
  • Click “Edit symbol” or “Edit Footprint” box (toward bottom right) in properties,
  • Click File > Save as, top LH corner of screen.
  • Leave the name alone.
  • Scroll through the list of libraries and highlight your new personal library into which you wish to place your symbol/footprint.
  • Save
  • Repeat as required.

You should then delete the symbol/footprint from your project and replace it with the same symbol/footprint from your new library, otherwise Kicad might complain sometime in the future that it cannot find a library for a footprint/symbol.

Hope this helps, please reply if you have any questions.

Footprint libraries are directories and footprints are the separate files. So by its date of modification you can find footprints edited recently.
With symbols it is not so easy as libraries are files so you can find which libraries were recently modified but not which symbol.

I didn’t create this library, I just added a symbol to it.

But as @Piotr pointed out, I managed to check the modified libraries (by sorting all by date) in my KICAD7_SYMBOL_DIR. And I also found the added separate footprint files inc KICAD7_FOOTPRINT_DIR.

Thanks for all your tips and answers!

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Don’t do that. You have no control on what happens to them when upgrading KiCad to new version.
I use only my own libraries (symbols I edit myself, footprints I copy from KiCad library and modify a little) and have them in my working directory (at drive D: while KiCad is at C:).

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Since symbol library files (.kicad_sym) are plain text files :+1: and the structure is simple, you can allways diff with your prefered tool if you can get the original file. Its a straightforward proccess even if you do it for first time, especialy in comparison to loosing and have to re-add many symbols.

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