Drawing Sheet kicad_wks directory scheme?

I would like to use KiCad’s “drawing sheet” system to make some changes to the sheet layout, and I am stuck not understanding some basics of how kicad_wks files are supposed to be managed.

I have read the doc page on Pl_Editor (Page Layout Editor – which I guess is the older name for Drawing Sheet Editor).


1. Page Settings dialog: In schematic and PCB editor Page Settings, there’s “Drawing Sheet > File” text box and file dialog button. The button opens the dialog at some random directory. Is there supposed to be a directory somewhere that has a variety of pre-existing layouts to choose from?

2. Drawing Sheet Editor Open dialog: Drawing Sheet Editor opens to a view which shows a page with border and title block, but paradoxically is titled “no drawing sheet loaded”. Using the Open function takes us to an arbitrary directory, so again, is the idea to navigate to some directory where there are some pre-existing layouts?

3. Drawing Sheet Editor Save dialog: Still in Drawing Sheet Editor, if we make some modifications to the apparently default layout, and then use the Save function, it once again opens to an arbitrary directory. Is there some directory where we should store custom kicad_wks files, so that KiCad can later conveniently offer them as choices (presumably in the Page Settings > Drawing Sheet > File selector)?

4. Preference to select custom sheet: Is there a KiCad preference somewhere to automatically select a particular custom Drawing Sheet for new schematics or PCBs? Ideally this setting would also set preferred default page size too?

5. Substitute the default sheet? Absent a preference setting, if I knew where the default drawing sheet comes from, could I just substitute my own custom one in place?

I am using KiCad 7.0.8, newly installed. (But I have several years of experience with previous KiCad versions.)

1+2+3: I think there is no default worksheet directory, you could freely choose your location for your worksheet files. For the file opening/Save location Kicad takes the last used directory.

4: there is no setting “custom sheet for new projects”. Instead the recommended workflow is to use project templates.
I for myself don’t use the template workflow, I use a existing project (with existing page+worksheet settings) as a starting point and use the project manager “Save Project As” function. To have the worksheet embedded in the project I copy the worksheet-file always into the project directory.

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Thanks for your comments.

You raise a good point! Is the drawing sheet not somehow embedded in the project already?

So if I copy this project elsewhere, the title block and border will revert to default? If true, that strongly argues for explicitly including the drawing sheet in the project’s directory.

But are you also making the point that a template could include the drawing sheet, but that drawing sheet won’t be copied to a new project?

Is the drawing sheet not somehow embedded in the project already?

No. It’s only referenced as external file/link. And if the file is placed outside of the project (as a central resource) it’s easy to forget if you send/copy the project to your colleague.

There is a open gilab issue Embed worksheet (page layout) in schematic/pcb file (lp:#1823162) (#2376) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab, but until that issue is resolved the “copy drawing sheet into project directory” is a reasonable workaround.

regarding template and drawing sheet: you have to experiment yourself. (I don’t use templates and therefore have not much experience).
For a first try I would copy the drawing sheet into the created template directory (just as above with the project directory). And then expect that a new project created fom that template would also include the drawing sheet file.

may be of interest… see my post in this post

Or, The original Post with more details…

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I would like to drop an example that may be of use to some.
Consisting of Example.kicad_sch the file, Example.kicad_wks the worksheet, and I.jpg brief instructions.
Previously there was a limitation of four on comments and in forum came across the fact that now all nine are available. Reworked my wks file and re-did my drawings to take advantage of the extra comments.
In above files the only issue is the wks is geared to Landscape only.
This is due to my having an extra Title in the top middle of my drawings.
Found that maybe not the correct terminology the title box is anchored at a corner and changing sheet sizes leaves items on wks in same place and just expands the rectangle to whatever sheet size is chosen. Was over half way through conversions when hit snag (have a number of Portrait drawings) where the upper title would be in it’s fixed position in middle of page. I just created another Portrait version for the alternate usage. In example you can use delete selected tool and delete the upper tile an it will now be a normal workable sheet.
Note: Program is great, came from MS to Linux and initially tried and stopped to spend time grasping Linux. Then sat down and got it working. Only use Eeschema for non schematic drawing and have around 300 custom symblols.
More on lines of illustrative electrical diagrams.

Example.kicad_wks (2.5 KB)
Example.kicad_sch (665 Bytes)


I had struggled with this for several hours and your suggestion solved the problem. Here’s a few more details that i used.
I opened the default drawinf sheet master from the KiCad directory, edited it, and saved it as the kicad_sch name, and then opened File->page settings in the schematic sheet and changed the “File:” to the drawing sheet page file that was just created.
Note: mine had an “empty.kicad_wks” sheet that must have been made by default. I deleted it.

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