To make a ‘Postable’ size Video, I use HandBrake with my custom/tweaked settings. I just made these two Video’s and GIF’s (for this Post).
The First one makes a 9.3Mb Video into a 196Kb GIF.
I then made a Video from the 9.3Mb into 430Kb MP4 video with good quality - much better than the GIF quality.
The Second one makes a Larger, 67Mb Video into a 531Kb GIF
A significant reduction in File size.
I then made a Video from the 67Mb into 531Kb MP4 video with good quality - much better than the GIF quality.
I then made GIF’s from the reduced MP4 video’s. Naturally, the file size was further reduced but, so was the Quality.
Thus, comparing the Reduced MP4 Video’s to GIF’s suggests to me that the increased Quality of MP4 Video and less hassle (regarding GIF Play/Stop control’s and reduced Quality) makes using GIF akin to riding a Wagon with Square Wheels…
I use a Mac and when GIF’s are needed, I use either DROP-to-GIF or, LICEcap to make GIF’s from different Movie types…
Here’s the 67Mb video reduced to 531Kb (it shows making the first 9Mb video into GIF)
Thanks for the input. That seems to be the prevailing preference. My only reason for doing .gif is that I know how to do it easily and it seems to give me a relatively small file size. It seems to get the job done. So let’s assume that I want to post a relatively small .mp4 showing my actions in KiCad.
I am completely unfamiliar but I can proceed to try things out. Do you use Handbrake for the initial recording? Or do you only use it for editing? What software do you use for the initial recording?
But…if you think of parking on a hill, if you have those square wheels you probably do not need a handbrake!
Since we’re on Kicad Forum, here’s an Example of using Kicad to make a postable-size Video:
Step 1) I use the System’s default Movie-Recording software to record the Video of what I’m doing.
To help keep the Recording smaller, I record without Sound (I turn it off).
This short Recorded Video is 8Mb. The resulting .MP4 is 258Kb
Step 2) Having recorded the Video (on a Mac, the defalut is by Quicktime, a .MOV file but, could be any type I want and could use other recording software).
I boot Handbrake and load the file. Set the output file parameters (there’s a list of many options. I created one with my pref’s for small posting size with good quality - see video below. Video shows some Default’s to select from (there are some that produce quite small files… that’s part of your homework…)
Note: Various parameters are Tweakable so, experiment and dial-in something with results you like…
ADDED: This Video below before Handbrake was 60Mb and after Handbrake is 258Kb
That is an impressive compression ratio. 258 KB for a 2 minute video is quite small.
I had compressed a 2.4 MB .mp4 to a 454 KB. But now your video shows me unknown areas of the presets menu. That will require some work on my part.
I sorta wish I could choose:
Number of colors
Minimum & Maximum (??) frame rate
Allowing any additional lossy compression as in .jpg versus .png.
Slightly related bit of background: My new oscilloscope gives me ~500 KB scope face images. By using IRFANVIEW to reduce to 32 colors, I reduce the file size by 10:1 or a bit better. I lose cosmetics in making this change, but do not lose much useful information. That is not a very intelligent compression process and I think there is the possibility of doing better. IRFANVIEW does not know which colors are important. I think the world has long since prioritized “pretty” over efficient small file size.
There are several Options/Settings to explore, including Frame-Rate and Pixel Resolution…
And, if not having Audio, click the Audio Tab and set Audio to None… (even a video without sound will take up file space if it has no audio…)
There is a lot that I do not understand in that parking brake interface but I have been playing with it. We are at risk of the car being gone in the morning but I think I can give it a good try the next time I need to post a video.