DIP socket footprints (solved)

Which can also trip you if two libraries contain the same name

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not if the new system (.sweet) is being implemented - then the library ‘name’ becomes part of the symbol/component identification and is not a problem anymore (same way you can have the same named footprints in different footprint directories today and experience no problems).

That really means that there should be some serious thought and debate going into these .sweet naming, in an attempt to get it right first time. Meanwhile the legacy libraries, do as little name changing as possible.
The only ones that deserve a new name are KLC compliant, multi unit alternatives to the 74xx and cmos4000.

Ok, please for a dummy like me, could anybody tell me, what I have to do in the KiCAD - Component - Selection, to get a DIP-socket for the schema? What search-term do I have to enter?

You might have a bit of a misunderstanding here. You ask for a dip socket which is a footprint but you write about component selection which (if you use stable v4.0.x [1]) only allows to add symbols to the schematic.

So normally you add a symbol for your specific IC. Lets say an NE555. Then you assign the correct dip socket to it.

Short version:
a symbol represents the function of your component (your ic)
the footprint represents the landing pattern of the physical devise.

More details in this old post of mine (it is a link so you can read the full post):

If you use nightly (or if you read this later and use v5) then the component chooser also allows to set the footprint field on addition. There the same rules apply as in cvpcb. The footprints shown are filtered via the symbols footprint filter fields.

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Ok, thank you for your answer.
What I really want to do, is the following: I want to put a 74AHCT125 DIP-14 into a DIP-16-socket.

So I thought it could be possible, to have a DIP-16-socket in the schema and asign it a dip-16-socket footprint and in the real world I put my dip-14 74AHCT125 into the socket.

Is there a better kicad-way to do this?

I use Version 4.0.7 in ubuntu …

Why would you put a 14 pin part into a 16 pin socket?

If you really think this is a good idea, open the footprint for dip 14 in the footprint editor and add two additional pins (without pad number) on the bottom to it. Save this new footprint to a project specific footprint library and assign it to your symbol.

Do not use the dip 16 footprint because the pin numbers of it will not align with the pin numbers used in the 74ahct125 dip 14!

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@Sprig Because I have the parts …

@Rene_Poschl: Because I already have the parts and do not want to buy new ones.
Thank you for your description, I will try it out

Just make sure you do not insert your chip at the wrong position then. (This would most definitely destroy it.) I wonder if it is really cheaper to use your currently available parts and risk frying an expensive (compared to the socket) chip.

@Rene_Poschl the delivery charges makes 20 times more than the parts cost …

That’s nonsense, but nonetheless why bother with sockets at all? I assume you plan to home etch your board?

Edit: If you must use a 16 pin socket, lay your board out with a 14 pin DIP and cut the extra 2 pins off the socket.

@1.21Gigawatts Why should this be nonsense?
One 14 DIP sockets costs about 20 ct the delivery carges are about 3 Euro. I need two Sockets … why should I buy 2 sockets for 40 ct and pay additional 3 Euro for delivery?

And you have assumed (nearly correct) I plan to home-mill my board …

Firstly it would be silly to only order 2 sockets, in fact if you have much interest at all in electronics I’m sure you have other projects in mind for the near future and there are plenty of components you could order for the same €3 shipping.
Secondly, I guarantee you I could find some 14 pin DIP sockets online with free shipping.

But if you plan to use 16 pin sockets for a 14 pin package then I would recommend you layout the board using the correct footprint to avoid errors and use my suggestion above.

The 74AHCT is a fast part. Sockets add to noise. I have never used IC sockets for logic ICs, just using them for programmable parts


A post was split to a new topic: THT DIP Socket