Delete In1.CU an In4.Cu Layer

I want to delete 2 Layers of my six layer pcb which only were ground Layers for shielding
and will get deleted because of priceing.
Is there any possibilty to delete In1.CU an In4.Cu Layer?

There is a drop down list above the layer detail list. Change the layer count by use of it (assumed from the wording of the error message as I do not have access to kicad right now. )

I think you mean this drop down?

Problem is that I can’t chosse which layer should be deleted. Is there any
way to delete In1.Cu and In4.Cu ?

I know that’s not the answer to your question, but you can always remove these layers from your generated gerber files before sending to your fab.
If you know what you’re doing, you can manually edit kicad_pcb file with texteditor to change the definitions of your layers. !!! BACKUP FIRST !!!
Now in the kicad_pcb file look for (layers section, you’ll find something like
0 Front
1 In1.Cu
2 In2.Cu
3 In3.Cu
4 In4.Cu
31 Back
Change these to
0 Front
1 In2.Cu
2 In3.Cu
3 In1.Cu
4 In4.Cu
31 Back
Then you can reduce the number of layers, and you’ll be left with what’s on In2.Cu and In3.Cu layers. You can rename them to In1.Cu and In2.Cu to finish cleanup.


There’s Edit->Swap Layers. Find out which layers are left off and which stay, and swap the layers accordingly before changing the number of copper layers.


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