Database library - symbol relation not transferred to layout

I have started using Kicad 7 and have a database library system set up and working. I have noticed that the symbol definition is not associated with the footprint in PCBNew so if I add a footprint in the layout and do a back annotate, the EESchema gives an error “Warning: Footprint ‘REF**’ has no assigned symbol.”

How do I add a fully fledged component with its symbol association directly to the layout?

The reason I want to do this is to create ‘re-use blocks’ i.e. commonly used sections of schematic and layout that I can drop in to a design. I used to use Cadstar and this was an option. Maybe there’s another way of doing this? thanks

Why wouldn’t you add the Symbol to the Schematic, assign the Footprint to it and then update the Layout ?

I normally do but I’m looking at creating re-use blocks. It doesn’t seem that Kicad has such a function.

There have been some recent posts on this subject, they may help:

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