CVPCB - Error, component not found in any library


I am trying to read a netlist and I have an error in Pcbnew
I have Kicad 5.0, Windows, configured to use github libraries.
After assigning footprints, when importing the netlist, Pcbnew shows several errors like this:
“Error: Component “U6” footprint “Converter_DCDC_TRACO_TMR-1-xxxx_Single_THT” was not found in any libraries in the footprint library table.”

In the Footprint editor I can find and see easily the Converter_DCDC_TRACO_TMR-1-xxxx_Single_THT component, so it does exist.
I can’t understand why cant I import it in Pcbnew.

Some of the components were loaded in Pcbnew but others did not.


How did you assign the footprint? It does not seem you used one of the tools available by kicad as the definition does seem to be missing the pointer to the library.
The correct footprint assignment would look like this: library_nickname:footprint_name

Take a look at this: How can i assign a footprint to a symbol?

For version 5 libs we do no longer support the github plugin. For version 4 libs it does not make any sense at all to go via the github plugin. So i suggest you install the libs locally.

Also read this as i guess you have a mixture of version 4 and version 5 libs right now (unless you manually installed version 4 symbol and 3d model libs in addition to using the old footprint libs) I had KiCad 4 installed previosly. Now i updated to v5. Now i have some problems with the library setup

And for installing footprint libs take a look at this: How can i install a specific version of the footprint library?

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Thanks for answering so fast!

In Eeschema, I used button “Assign PCB footprints” for assigning.
Then I loaded one of the suggested footprint in the right.
It’s strange for me that the library name and footprint name seems valid, since I can open the component in the Footprint Editor.

I find difficult to use Kicad and make the transition from 4 to 5 since there are so confusing changes. I looked and saw the Pcbnew is configured for Github libraries use; I didn’t configured it this way, I suppose this is the default.

Read my FAQ article i linked above. The reason you have github libs is because you had kicad 4 installed in the past.

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Hi, Thanks, I read the guide, removed github links and added local libraries. I had to reassign all the components, now it works.

Still, I would kindly ask the developers to leave the component and libraries names unchanged. I really don’t want to have all messed up again after the next update. I’m developing a recurring nightmare in which I loose so much time renaming components and reading FAQ’s and tutorials! :slight_smile:

The lib stays stable within small releases (so during v5 cycle there will not be library renaminigs)

But a large release allows us to make the library organization better. We know that there is a tradeoff.

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