Creating a Project using Global Libraries, and then exporting to Local Libraries

Hello all,

I am creating a project using my own Global Symbol and Footprint Libraries. I want to share my project, but do not want to share my Global Libraries :slight_smile:

Is it possible to create or export a Local Project Library from a finished project so that those components would be automatically linked to the project. Symbols, Footprints and 3D models if possible :slight_smile:


Welcome @Mantvis

The symbols and footprints used are automatically embedded in your Schematic and PCB since Kicad 6. No need for project libraries.
Not sure about 3D.

Someone else will probably answer shortly.

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As jmk already wrote, starting from Kicad V6 all schematic symbols and footprints that are used in the project are embedded in the schematic and PCB files, so there is no important need to create project specific libraries.

But if you prefer, it is easy to do.

  1. PCB Editor / File / Export Footprints to new Library
    • Make it a project specific library.
    • Answer Yes if Kicad asks to link the footprints to the new library.
  2. PCB Editor / Tools / Update Schematic from PCB. This is the other way around from the normal workflow. The schematic symbols are the reference in KiCad, and updating the new links keeps the project coherent.
  3. Schematic Editor / File / Export Symbols to new Library And also make it a project specific library. Do this as the last step, so it also has the updated links to the footprints in the project specific library.

The last time I did this (few days ago) I accepted the standard Library.pretty name for the footprint library, and I used Library.pretty / Library.kicad_mod for the symbols. It is a big ugly to put the symbols in between the footprints. but it is just a library. The name makes that clear too, and it keeps the directory tree itself as clean as feasible. Industry trend seems to be for clicking though 5 layers of empty directory nesting levels to get somewhere, which I find quite horrible, but it also has it’s advantages. It can for example make scripting easier


For 3D models there is a Archive3DModels action plugin (available through PCB) it copies the 3D models into the project subfolder and also re-links the footprints to the new paths. So if you’ll proceed with the paulvdh recommendation, then archiving the 3D models should be the first step.


Thank a lot!. That worked well :slight_smile:

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