Creating a ground plane or filled zone?

Looking for some hints here to help advance my skills.
Referring to the included photo I would like to turn the negative
side in blue into some sort of filled area.


The first thing is to have a defined Edge-Cut layer for pcb boundary – can’t tell if you have that yet.

Then create your zone polygon with a series of clicks, ending on the first point with a double-click to close the path – use the Add-Filled-Zone tool. When you click the first corner of the zone a dialog pops up where you select the layer (choose top and/or bottom), select the net (eg: GND) and there are a few other things you can select now or tweak later.

Your zone can actually extend outside edge cut (eg, you have a circular or odd-shaped board) just put a crude enclosing zone outside the edge-cuts, and kicad snuggles it up to the edge-cut with an adjustable clearance.


Then press B or use the Edit/Fill-Zones menu tool.

If zone does not fill there are various reasons, such as not having an edge-cut, not-closed zone polygon…

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See also How to create a power plane (using zones)

Many thanks for taking the time to tutor me on this particular feature.


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