Creates a footprint hole size compare to datasheet 1:1?

another question - how can I know the distance between the outer lugs to the end part? (marked in pink(

12.7 is the length of the switch as in the top view. The distance from the edge to the nearest pin will then be (12.7 - 4.7 - 4.7) / 2.

Thanks! and what about the distance from the horizontal line? how can I know where to place the holes in the y axis?

That’s trivial too, the width of the switch is 6.7 so the pins will be on the median. However remember that the convention for THT parts is to put the origin on pin 1.

However remember that the convention for THT parts is to put the origin on pin 1.
what do you mean?

This is how I made it:

Here’s the footprint for a SPDT slide switch.

Pad 1 is centered on the origin.

if the pin size is 0.8mm for x and 1.3mm for y does it make sense I make 1mm for x and 1.5mm for y?

Sorry, no :eye: :deer:. I seldom make footprints with odd sized pads. Maybe try to find a footprint with that size of pin and see what margins they use. Also, not sure if fabs can make oval drill holes that small.

and if I make the circular?
my question is if the holes should be exactly as specify in the datasheet? or to give it a margin of 0.2mm?

The datasheet specifies holes of 2.3x1.1mm

Circular drill holes are definitely possible.

An easier method when making a footprint with not many pads is shown below:

In your case:
Set your grid to .1mm (green arrow)
Move Pad 2 exactly on top of Pad 1
Press “space bar” on keyboard (which will set dy & dx o zero)(Red arrow)
Use the direction keys on the keyboard to move Pad 2 to the right of Pad 1. (because you have set the grid to .1mm, each click on the RH arrow will move Pad 2 exactly .1mm.)
Read the change in dx. When dx shows 4.7mm you have the correct distance.
Move Pad 3 exactly on top of Pad 2 and repeat, or, move Pad 3 on top of Pad 1 and move it twice the distance.

This gives a very precise measurement.

Another way is to use the footprint wizard and enter parameters for a SIP package with 3 pins.

This is just the start, I haven’t twerked, er tweaked the other parameters yet.

And another method is Right Mouse Button on the pad then:
Select > Positioning Tools

And yet another is RMB on the pad then:
Select > Create from Selection > Create Array

Many, many poisons to choose from :rofl:

This is the first time I make this.
What parameters I should enter based on that datasheet?
pad size x, pad size y
hole shape?
diameter of hole?

This is your job to figure out, no ? as the designer of the PCB this is within your responsibility.

Interpreting data sheets is a skill you can and must learn if you want to be able to design PCBs

This thread has already gone beyond the scope of this forum . . . I suggest we draw a line here.

I really don’t see those numbers


So this should be the exact size x and y of the hole? and the pad should be a little bigger right?

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