Is there a way to recalculate copper zones without reverting to a forced DRC ?
If not, an entry menu would be nice.
Also, in the online manual, there is a “Duplicate Zone Onto Layer” menu entry, in the version 5.0 I have, there is only “Duplicate”, that duplicates in the same layer. Not good because the slightest move of the mouse moves the copper zone.
Finally : any way to make a hatched or patterned copper zone instead of plain copper ?
Thanks !
UPDATE : found the shortcut : ‘B’ to refill and “Ctrl B” to unfill.
UPDATE 2 : the online manual shows a “right click” contextual menus on the copper zone icon, but it dosn’t work. ??
In order to select a zone or cutout area to edit it or to get the contextual menu, you need to have your pointer on the border or outline of the zone. Trying to select the zone in the middle won’t get you the zone.
Selecting objects and bringing up context menus can be very sensitive to cursor position. The “right-click” may require you to place the cursor over a segment of the zone’s boundary line . . . or perhaps even over a segment junction. Also, it my help if there are no other objects in the vicinity of the cursor; or if the layer containing the copper zone is the active layer.