I like the original drawings at the first post just fine.
However, after reading this thread, I am glad to know that I can remove the color if I want.
I am with you, @Bobz, that I have a B&W printer, so will highlight with a highlighter or red pencil that which I choose directly on the image printed onto a leaf of paper.
I typically highlight code that I am going to change when printing code. So I probably will do the same with Kicad schematics.
More than 40 years ago I was writing applications notes, and wanted a word processor because major edits were such a hassle using pen and paper. (Before the IBM PC; I did not get one.) The same principle holds when marking up drawings; I prefer to do it using software so I can re-edit my edits. There are now FREE .pdf “viewers” which provide the ability to place colored annotations and markups on a .pdf version of your schematic or other drawing. Those marked up .pdfs can also be e-mailed without the need to scan them first. So I prefer to process without paper most of the time. But yes sometimes I want a hard copy and it is good to know that my B/W printer can render accurately without the waste of toner providing shading which does not convey useful information. And sometimes I do want to have B/W paper print with colored markups.
And remember back in the day of blueprint copying (UV lamp exposers giving off ozone with ammonia developers, all good for the lungs…), B&W line art was all that really copied well.