Circle shape in F.Cu shorts several nets, but DRC does not complain

OK, we are closer. Notice where this offending circle’s radius ends:


And where this one, which doesn’t cause a DRC error, ends:


I got this by just rotating the “end” point of the circle.

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I’ll report this. ------

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I looked into the file:

Line 255 contains the circle.

DRC DOES NOT DETECT ERROR (gr_circle (center 125 82.5) (end 131.826 82.042) (layer “F.Cu”) (width 0.2) (fill none) (tstamp 669a48b6-700b-4b33-a282-1b4e3cde1c63))

Changing the coordinates slightly got it to detect the error.

DRC DETECTS ERROR (gr_circle (center 125 82.5) (end 130.66 82.043) (layer “F.Cu”) (width 0.2) (fill none) (tstamp bd5af717-5d75-4f50-9c99-28883240134c))
DRC DETECTS ERROR (gr_circle (center 125 82.5) (end 130.666 82.042) (layer “F.Cu”) (width 0.2) (fill none) (tstamp 669a48b6-700b-4b33-a282-1b4e3cde1c63))
DRC DETECTS ERROR (gr_circle (center 125 82.5) (end 130.821 82.042) (layer “F.Cu”) (width 0.2) (fill none) (tstamp 669a48b6-700b-4b33-a282-1b4e3cde1c63))
DRC DETECTS ERROR (gr_circle (center 125 82.5) (end 130.825 82.042) (layer “F.Cu”) (width 0.2) (fill none) (tstamp 669a48b6-700b-4b33-a282-1b4e3cde1c63))

I was able to verify this bug in an independently created project.
I have uploaded that test project to gitlab in the bug report eelik made.


I find this bug in both Windows Testing and Nightly built 16th December.
This one is subtle, but ruins boards


I see commits for 6.0.x and Master. Testing just made it before 6.0.10 got tagged

Circles clockwise and anticlockwise and this 0 vs 360 degree ambiguity have caused far more than their fair share of bugs over the years

Trying todays Testing, which About says is 6.0.10 release, the bug is not fixed

During testing I found DRC errors with an arc too. It looks like it finds (most of?) the DRC violations, but the DRC arrows are placed at half the radius.


I don’t have KiCad V6.0.10 yet and my nightly is also 3 days old (2022-12-15).
I’m not sure if this is related, or if I should file it as a separate bug, but before doing so, I’ll sit on it for a few days until I have a newer KiCad to test with.

But anyway, here is the test project: (10.5 KB)

Its the same with todays Testing and the most recent 6.99 Nightly

The most recent 6.99 nightly might not be new enough to include that commit (1047e714), at least on Fedora and Windows that I checked just a few minutes ago.
I don’t know which OS you have, so it might or might not apply…

(For some reason Fedora nightlies are not built in the weekends, even though there are commits.)

That’s right, the nightly build is older on Windows. The testing build (which is now identical to 6.0.10 release) is newer, and my test project (the two circles in two screenshots above) works correctly.

I’ve got the same with 6.0.10, so this isn’t releated to the circle bug and you can file a new report.

I am getting different behaviour with the 6.0.10 equivalent Testing on Windows 64 bit.
The lower circle is still not flagged.
Then if I delete the upper circle, the lower one is then flagged

OK, I’ll dowload my project and test again in case it was changed locally.

Still works:


Version: (6.0.10), release build

JP already fixed it (for v7 only)

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