I am using Windows 10 and can not generate a BOM. I have tried over several weeks on my Friday Project. The button I click starts python, but has a problem withe the C: Is there a method to just use relative addressing not absolute like C:\ ?
This is the line that is executed
Thank you for the reply. I use Windows 10 so I just click on the BOM Generator. But I eliminated the < > and there was an error
command line now is
“C:\Program Files\KiCad\bin\python.exe” path_to_script.py “%I” “%O”
Command error. Return code 2
Error messages:
C:\Program Files\KiCad\bin\python.exe: can’t open file ‘path_to_script.py’: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
I am not running unix. I looked in the directories and python is in the correct location.
My hope is that I can get a fix so Clicking on a window completes the action without me editing anything. Lets try again; I will type anything.
I got it now. I have generated at [my FIRST BOM] ! Many Thanks to the community.
I learned KiCAD without this forum, so this adds a lot. Great replies and timing.